
Professional Learning

Mindful SEAD – Teacher Effectiveness with SEL Personal Learning Goals for Teachers In a Blended Learning Environment

Understanding the whole child is essential to student performance and success. Strong social and emotional skills have been proven to increase academic achievement, decrease negative behaviors, and reduce drop-out rates.*

Mindful SEAD professional learning services focus on practices to infuse SEL strategies throughout instruction. Context to Content.

  • Mindful-based social emotional academic development
  • School safety and mental well-being through positive education
  • The StemSEL© Method for cultivating the whole teacher
  • Personalized instruction for mastery learning

Sustainable Results through Deep Implementation

Research shows that the most effective way to ensure that educators retain, integrate, and master newly acquired skills and strategies is to provide sustained follow-up support through demonstration lessons, classroom coaching, and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues. The Mindfully-Based SEAD offers opportunities for ongoing learning and support.


Our train-the-trainer model provides school and district SEL leaders with the information, strategies, and resources to facilitate Youth Positive trainings at their own sites.

On-Site Training

Adopting Social Emotional Learning into the academic environment will require instructional shifts. Our on-site series is designed to prepare educators and support staff to include SEL in the academic and after school setting.

​In Class Coaching/Mentoring

F-t-F or virtual: Coaching sessions support teachers in applying new learning concepts by providing support and feedback right in the classroom. Support for educators as they plan lessons and implement and embed new SEL strategies into the curriculum, which ultimately supports student achievement.

Teacher & Leadership Series

Training and Professional ​Development

Teaching through the Youth Positive Method

Create a positive culture of learning while encouraging students to become the best, unique version of themselves. Specific Social Emotional and Academic Development (SEAD) strategies strengthen instructional methods across the curriculum to cultivate in students a mindset of possibility and of success. Through the application of critical and reflective thinking, deep engagement, and kind communication skills, both teachers and their students regain the joy of learning and sharing in the educational experience.

How can we do that? Whatever your educational role, (teacher, counselor, coach, or administrator) you are each challenged and encouraged to find new and “best” practices to engage your students to higher levels of achievement. We know the demands are real and that test scores still take up an inordinate about of your brain space and teaching time. We know the demands of parenting in the 21st Century. This is not your mother’s child rearing!

Our trainings and workshops help you discover your own unique genius as an adult. Our aim is to resource you in your current situation – in your classroom, as a parent, or both – and your efforts toward positive change.

We help you discover ways to increase clarity and deep personal insight you need to cultivate more self-awareness, and then be able to more effectively self-manage and make responsible and beneficial decisions. As you gain a deeper sense of managing the reins of your classroom or parenting, you step into a place of compassionate leadership and are better able to support and positively influence the young people in your care.


The StemSEL Method©

​The StemSEL Method© is unique and is differentiated by two important characteristics. Our Method cultivates the whole teacher with self-renewal through self-care practices and interpersonal abilities as foundational components to instruction and classroom management skills. Second, it focuses instruction on the whole child, including social, emotional, and academic development.

  • StemSEL Method for Education
  • Mindfulness: AKA Pay Attention
  • Understand Mindfulness in The Education Setting – Classroom Management managed through SEL
  • SEL and PBL: A Positive Match: Applying your unique genius to PBL

​Nevada CEU's and Online courses coming soon.

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Parents & ​ Caregivers

Cultivating the social and emotional competencies of all members of a school community is important for creating models for student social and emotional growth. Families are the first teachers of social and emotional development. There are many ways parents and caregivers can encourage emotionally intelligent behavior in their children.

Parent & Caregiver Workshops

Parent Workshops help caregivers become more familiar with social and emotional learning and encourages them to actively engage in their own growth while supporting their children to practice social and emotional skills.

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Retreats & Institutes


Institutes are our core experience. Mindful SEAD Institutes for Social and Emotional Learning empower educators, education leaders and parents to transform their schools into caring inclusive communities.


  • Build a deep, experiential understanding of core SEL principles and practices.
  • Help educators cultivate in their teaching practice the humanity and empathy that can help them inspire students to evolve into compassionate leaders and resilient learners as they embrace their unique genius.
  • Inform an educator’s perspective in ways that help spark creativity and renew inspiration for teaching.
  • Strengthen an educator’s capacity to bring SEL to classroom and community in ways that transform a school

*Taylor, R. D., Oberle, E., Durlak, J. A., & Weissberg, R. P. (2017). Promoting Positive Youth Development Through School‐Based Social and Emotional Learning Interventions: A Meta‐Analysis of Follow‐Up Effects. Child Development, 88(4), 1156-1171. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cdev.12864